ILLEGAL ALIENS – 132- “Kept Secrets”

“Rita spots the evil dirty roaches, then almost uncovers Professor B’s hidden secret. “

Ya, we all got secrets. Right?

I know you do too.

There’s gotta be something in your past that no one knows about. Just keep it to yourself and let no one know. Not your mama, your girlfriend, or your wife. If you do, then they’ll judge you and maybe persecute you.

Stole something? Everyone’s done it, even if it’s small. God will judge you and he’s forgiving, but when the “Man” finds out. He’ll persecute the hell out of you, whether you confess or not. Man is unforgiving.

As a musician I’m not advocating using another musicians song, erasing their name and adding yours. That’s lying, with intention to deceive.

I don’t believe in copyright. It’s ridiculous to think you can literally steal a songwriters musical idea and then can possibly get sued for it. You can’t steal an idea, you can copy it, Yes. But, you can’t steal it. That’s not logical.

Kids copy all the time when they’re drawing Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. According to that’s illegal. Lol!


Roland of Aragon

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