ILLEGAL ALIENS – 131- “The Last Dose”

“Rita receives the last dose of musical wisdom.”

Musical wisdom.

What is it?

I believe it’s all about making proper decisions within musical situations. How do you receive this musical wisdom?

Well, what you could do is learn from someone who’s “been there and done that.” Meaning, this individual has done everything that you wish to accomplish in your music career.


Where do you find this individual? For musicians, they are everywhere. They’re in clubs gigging, schools teaching, and online teaching. There’s no excuse that you won’t find a master musician somewhere in your community.

I just have one bit of advice. Take private lessons with this master musician no matter what it costs. If he charges $200 per minute, who cares? Save up you pennies. Do not, and I mean do not replace one on one private lessons with online videos or books. They can be helpful, but not ideal.

There is something spiritual going on when you have a personal instructor who has mastered your craft. You get their mojo.

It doesn’t have to be in person, it could be through live video feed if it needs to be, because of location. But, it’s preferred.

All the greats had some form of personal musical instruction, because back in the good ol’ days. There was no internet or Youtube. You had to take private lessons.

The good ol’ days will come back one of these days.

Anyways, peace.

Roland of Aragon

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