At Battlewood Forest, Rita and Twitch face off for the first time. Let’s see if Rita’s music lessons has paid off.
You can practice all day and all night till the cows come home, but if you don’t test your new skills in the real world, nothing will matter.
You have to face the enemy no matter what!
I was always afraid to play a solo in front of others as a kid. I could wail in my bedroom, but when I stepped out of my comfort zone in front of real people I would be terrified.
But why?
Because I had judgment. I judged others for thinking I was a terrible musician which gave me low self-esteem. I learned to not think about anything. Hold no thought at all. Just know what needs to be done and do it!
It’s really that simple.
Our mind is clouded with negative thoughts and judgments which effects our capability and my beauty sleep too. =)
Lesson Learned
Prayer and meditation are life savers. It will keep you centered, focused and many times, it will help with anxiety if any. In the morning started off with a quiet prayer, no words, and no thoughts. At first, you’ll have a ton of thoughts, but over time life will smooth over. If you stick to it like gorilla glue. Have you tried that stuff? That junk is awesome!
Check out the silent prayer audio