As the months go by, Rita and Ren become seasoned musicians. Now the real fun starts.
Lesson of the Day
Oooh, practice! The devil word.
I’ve taught music for almost 20 years and the schools that I taught at, did not, I repeat did not teach students on how to practice.
When I begin my teaching career, I’m guilty of not teaching how to practice. Why? Because my own teachers just assumed that I knew how. So I took the same mindset.
Practicing means, Repetition… It’s a process of making a million mistakes until you finally get your desired results. Don’t be afraid of mistakes, mistakes are your best friend.
I’m not going to go into major detail on how to practice. I will just put in a few simple sentences.
- Repeat and repeat the musical riff, lick, phrase, or song, until it sounds exactly like it.
- Repeat and repeat it until you can perform it standing on your head while your dog sniffs your butt.
- Repeat steps 1 – 2.
– Roland of Aragon (Repetitor)
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