ILLEGAL ALIENS – 137- “The Secret to Life”

“Rita’s mom pops in the locker room and surprises her, but she’s not having it.”

The world has brainwashed our minds to believe that an amazing life, is: Wealth, Fame, Power, Greatness, Happiness and Knowledge.

EHHH!!! Dead wrong buddy!

Schools, Hollywood, Culture has tapped into our vulnerable young minds to think this. It’s no wonder there are so many dysfunction in society and especially in families.

The key to a an amazing life is “FORGIVENESS”.

Why? It brings about: Peace, Love, Joy, and Wisdom in our lives.

You can be broke or rich and still live in hell, if an individual holds onto anger against their neighbor, partner, or cousin they’ll never endure, Love, Peace, and Joy. They look for it in the wrong places like, relationships, sex, money, food and drugs.

Only God is real love.

So, forgive your cheap ass smart phone that tends to load the webpage so slowly and don’t smash it on the ground. Just, relax and wait, it will load.


PS: I still like money. =)

Roland of Aragon

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