After losing the battle with the corn on a stick. Rita attempts to reconnect with her Papa.


It’s Christmas time! Woo-hoo!

Love this time of the year. You can feel in the air the spirit of gratitude and giving and sometimes the dense L.A smog and that terrible stinking weed my neighbor always tweaks, in my case.


Text someone you haven’t connected with in a while, even though they still haven’t returned your Rage Against the Machine Battle of Mexico DVD. Who are anarchists by the way. He can keep it now.

Maybe, you can help them in one form or another or they maybe they can help you.

Just as long as they don’t ask for: These are my friend rules.

  1. Immoral favors
  2. Money.
  3. My Star Trek: TNG DVD’s.
  4. Borrow my stuff. (Experience has taught me that 90% of the time I never see it again.)
  5. Crashing on my couch. (No freeloaders)

That about sums it up. =)

Merry Christmas! Ho-ho-ho!

Roland of Aragon (Ho-Ho-Ho!)