Two new guitar chords to learn. G major and D7 chords. Plus, Rita’s journey to mastery begins while Ren is winning shred battles.
Lesson of the Day
Almost no one likes the process. As I’m writing this, I’m thinking, “Oh gosh, my fingers are gonna fall apart from typing so much.”
For years I knew that branding and marketing was a major key in building a business, but I just hated the process. When I would see major artists like Justin Bieber in just about every social media outlet there is, I would think, “Gosh this kid’s ego is bigger than Trump’s ego.”
Thinking about it logically. How else would someone recognize you or your product if you don’t spread the word? Duh!
Spread the word, like butter and jelly sandwiches. Yum!
After many many emotional battles with my disgust of marketing I learned to love it. You have to have a bit of narcissism in order to succeed. Believe it, or not.
– Roland of Aragon (2 Year Branding Narcissist)
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