Discover the 63 Attributes of a Thinking Musician

What’s going on in the that musical numbskull of yours? =)

The way we think, behave, feel, act, talk, believe and value will affect the way we approach our music career.

At this age and time that I write this, musicians need a new way of thinking. 100 years from now musicians should be able to apply for jobs at a music company just like applying at McDonalds, except for the pay rate of course. Or maybe a 100 years from now to become a musician that is in demand, the industry needs to see real value and demand for our services.

How do we get to that point?

Good question…

I believe we need to change the way we think and create new innovative job descriptions.

What new jobs?

I’m still working on it. In the meantime I have compiled this massive list of attributes and qualities a thinking musicianshould have. (My opinion of course.)

A thinking musician…

  1. Serves
  2. Networks
  3. Seeks relationships
  4. Grateful
  5. Passionate
  6. Manages household
  7. Manages time
  8. Invests
  9. Saves
  10. Respectable
  11. Friendly
  12. Fearless
  13. Reads daily
  14. Listens
  15. Adaptable
  16. Collaborative
  17. Anticipates
  18. Prepared
  19. Persistent
  20. Playful
  21. Mastered technique
  22. Mastered music theory
  23. Mastered their instrument
  24. Composes
  25. Early
  26. Team player
  27. Creative
  28. Grooves
  29. Style
  30. Stands out
  31. Connects
  32. Gives eye contact
  33. Smiles
  34. Lifelong learner
  35. Physically healthy
  36. Learns from his failures
  37. Dedicated
  38. Disciplined
  39. Practices daily
  40. Never borrows
  41. Never loans
  42. Gives
  43. Fights back
  44. Stubborn
  45. Helpful
  46. Energetic
  47. Leader
  48. Entrepreneur
  49. Wise
  50. Hard working
  51. Selfless
  52. Character
  53. Communicates
  54. Focused
  55. Teachable
  56. Curious
  57. Asks questions
  58. Patient
  59. Careful
  60. Seeker
  61. Humble
  62. Perfectionist
  63. Loves people

Whoa, this list scares me… Geez!

But it’s a nice list. A list that will serve all future thinking musicians looking to make an impact in this amazing little third rock from the sun.

Number 34 “lifelong learner” I believe is probably one of the main components to a successful life, career and pocketbook. Take this one to heart, without constantly learning, growing mentally and emotionally we will always lose sight of the bigger picture.

Read all 63 qualities and examine your career and see if there is anything missing and grade yourself. Please don’t hesitate and mention if there is any other quality that you think is missing. Let me know in the comment section below.


What’s one quality that you need?