88: Illegal Aliens – 40

After escaping the hands of evil Twitch, Rita and Kolor began a brand new friendship.

I have lots of friends, they just don’t visit me that much. Boo-hoo. =(

When you hit the big three, o, you’re friends start diminishing and your true homies will keep contact with you. So I dumped all my fat friends. I mean, come on, they were making me fat just by hanging out with them. Haven’t you ever heard the saying, “You are who hang out with.”

My point exactly.

Also, when you live in the city everyone is too darn busy to visit you. They’re stuck in the rat race.

I behaved like a rat in a race, I used to buy lots of awesome useless DVD’s and accumulated over 600. Until I discovered… Torrents!

Woo-hoo torrents!

I found my new best friend.

Don’t tell anyone please. Signed – R.D. Aragon (The Torrent Master)

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