78: Star Krak – 06


The crew of the Star Krak Enterprise has been struck by an immense tachion pulse from the Kalanagan warship.
Will the crew get back to their feet? Will Commander Beta figure out the Kalanagan’s weakness?

There was a time where I was beans and rice broke and after eating tons of rice and beans I enjoyed it. I still eat tons of rice and beans and it’s super healthy.

For those who have been brainwashed into thinking rice makes you fat, I assure you it will make you SUPER FAT. if you drench it in tons of soy sauce and mix it with tons of fatty pizza, burgers and fries. And if you don’t think Chipotle is super healthy either then…

Wait… Is this about the Star Krak teamwork and their battle? Oops… Back to the show. =)

These lunk heads have to figure out a way to persevere against the Kalanagan’s butt ugliness and tachion pulses. Perseverance is what’s needed. Do they have what it takes???

Stay Golden.

The Only Friend You’ll Ever Have – R.D. Aragon

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