Professor Bob teaches the quarter note and guitar power chords to Rita and then, surprises her at the end..
I loved learning music as a kid, I was in all the school bands: concert band, marching band and jazz band. It was the only reason why I went to high school, all the other school classes didn’t really matter to me.
When it came time for a performance I got excited, but when the time came for an instrumental solo on my saxophone or trombone, I froze. (I played several instruments in high school.)
Fear trickled down my body, I did whatever I could to not participate. I made really lame excuses, eventually I got used to it, but I never defeated it completely.
Fear of criticism, been labeled, is the reason why I never accomplished my goals quicker. I did overcome it, most of it, but it lingers. It’s still there and I’m fighting it.
You’re the center of attention and if you screw up people will label you. The reality is people couldn’t care less of your screw ups. They’ll forget immediately.
People don’t care and will forget, most of the time.
Fear… That bitch! =)
– Roland of Aragon (The Fear Conqueror)
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