Team Growth – Toon's Tunes Cartoons Teaching to Play Tunes! Mon, 07 Apr 2014 07:00:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Team Growth – Toon's Tunes 32 32 Looking for that church cheddar? Mon, 07 Apr 2014 07:00:17 +0000 Looking for that church cheddar? Read More »

church cheddar

As a church musician should you get paid to serve at church?

That’s the long heated debate. Just to let you know I don’t get paid the cheddar at my home church Oasis. The main music director is on staff and gets paid of course. I do get paid to play at a small church every Sunday playing piano.

Here’s my take on it.

There’s nothing wrong with it.

And… It depends.

There are two types of musicians at church.

  1. Professional musician
  2. Amateur musician

Let’s dissect the two.

Professional Musician:

Simply put, pros make a living with music. The pay their bills, rent, gas, insurance, etc. using the gift of music that God gave them to make a living. God wants us to use our gifts to earn a living and serve others. Statistics state that most talented individuals do not use their talents to earn a living. Which is why most folks hate their 9 to 5 job.

There are many jobs as a musician, you can be: freelance, session musician, instructor, music director, composer, songwriter, etc. Plenty of musicians have families that they need to provide for and others probably don’t have families but they have personal needs.

Professionalism is also a mindset. Being prepared, highly trained, being on time to rehearsals and gigs, having the right attitude, getting the job done, like ability. Nobody likes divas, drama queens, or even anti-social musicians.

Attitude and mindset is probably one the key factors that differentiates between amateurs and pros.

Amateur Musician:

Amateurs get paid and don’t get paid. I have seen it both ways. But most amateurs earn a living through their regular day jobs.

I have seen many amateurs that are amazing musicians and others that are average. They do have a different mindset though.

In both, highly trained and poorly trained I have seen great attitudes but mostly poor attitudes.

They don’t learn the tunes, don’t come to practice, have poor attitudes, their commitment is average, arrive late, don’t call or text to let everyone know they are coming or not and it goes on and on.

I can’t speak for all churches but I have worshipped in many different denominations and churches across the globe in different cultures. There is definitely a pattern of amateurism and professionalism no matter what church.


Looking for that church cheddar?

If you would like to get paid as a church musician there many opportunities out there. You just have to find the right one, which is tough. But when you find the right church it will be very steady work for you. As opposed to finding a steady secular gig which is even tougher.

It does depend on the church, not the church size. Believe it or not regardless of the size a lot of churches do not know how to manage their finances well or they’re just a bunch of tightwads and don’t value the spiritual gifts that you are providing.

I have experienced both. Run away from those poorly run churches. God will take care of them for not providing for their flock.

They are churches that pay and others that are voluntary. You pick and choose what you are looking for. If it is just for extra cash to spend on a new toy and not to provide for yourself or family then maybe you should question is it about you or God.

In the same way, the Lord ordered that those who preach the Good News should be supported by those who benefit from it. (1 Corinthians 9:14 NLT)

I pray that this opens up for discussion, please leave a comment below. Also, please share this post by clicking on one of the share buttons below.

Keep seeking and you will find. Matt 7:7


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8 Tips on Weeding out Bad Weed in your Team Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:00:54 +0000 8 Tips on Weeding out Bad Weed in your Team Read More »

As a music director,

If there is one thing I could have done correctly in the beginning. That one thing would be to qualify the new band members and make sure to not let any crazies in.

Over 10 years back I was chosen to become music director for my church. To make a long story short, I inherited a lemon, a very sour lemon. The old music director was not organized at all, we never had rehearsals, now that I look at it, the music director really never had much power to do anything I guess he was a puppet and the church board was his puppet master.

He eventually left and I was next to be controlled. As a professional musician I believe you have to be prepared and rehearse. Since a lot of bad habits have been already tattooed in the band members minds, it was tough to break them.

After so many years of failure and mistakes I have finally figured out how to fix problems within worship teams. It’s so simple but yet very hard to do. And here it is, when a problem occurs within one of your band mates. You first:

1. Address and try to fix the problem ASAP!

If you let the problem linger it will only get worse.

If that doesn’t work then you….

2. Get rid of the problem!

That’s it, It’s so simple, but everybody has a different situation either way it has to be done or your team will suffer.

After so many attempts trying to fix the issues with my old worship team years ago if I had the power (which I didn’t.) I would of gotten rid of everyone but maybe one or two.

That’s enough about me, here are 8 tips on weeding out the bad weed in your team..

38 pulling out bad weed
I know what your going to say, probation? Are you serious?

Yes, I am! God wants commitment and God will test you just like he does to me every day and to you. We are not perfect beings but we have to set boundaries and limitations within our team for it to survive.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Proverbs 16:3

This journey will be tough for everyone, all you have to do is apply faith and reason and God will provide.

Please share this post if you like it by using one of the share buttons below. Feel free to give me you opinion, I’m open to agreement or disagreement because that’s how we grow.

God Bless (Dios te Bendiga)


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Seven Deadly D’s of Purpose Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:00:24 +0000 Seven Deadly D’s of Purpose Read More »


We all have purpose in our lives, the question is….. What is it?

Purpose is something the every human being on this planet is searching for.  Many times we give up and continue going through our daily lives working our 9 to 5, Monday through Friday and taking weekends off and then we go back through our mundane cycle all over again. Blah!

No thanks, not for me. I mean if you enjoy that sort of thing and your job gives you all the passion you need then go for it. Yeee ha!!

It may take awhile until you find your passion because daily life always gets in the way. When it comes to your team what is their purpose?

These are the seven deadly D’s of purpose that we should keep on striving for. I do mean deadly, because with these you’ll kill for success in your team.

1. Desire

With out this nothing will follow suit. Desire is the number one element that will keep your passion and your purpose on course. Desire is like a fat guy salivating for a Krispy Kreme donut. You have to become like that fat guy and crave for your dreams and goals.

2. Decision

Once that precious moment of desire enters into your soul you have to make that decision whether or not that fire inside your belly is not just indigestion. Making a decision or choice and sticking to it will separate you from the talkers to the walkers. I’m a walker of course.

3. Destination

Indiana Jones always knew what his destination was or what he was looking for. If your team doesn’t know what their mission or goals are then your just a bunch runners in a marathon and you don’t know where the finish line is. Set a clear written destination.

4. Directions

X marks the spot!  You found your destination now how do you get there? You gotta create a plan of action that’s gonna get you and your team to that precious gold. An action plan is a daily step by step road map of what your supposed to do everyday in order to reach your destination. Without your action plan, your up the creek without a paddle. Make sure this gets done.

5. Dedication

Time spent working with your team and honing their craft and also developing relationships with each other will take your team to levels way beyond then what they expect. Growing together will also carry growing pains but when we help each other to grow out of those difficult moments it will make your team even stronger.

6. Determination

Your team will always encounter difficult moments and distractions that will try to stir you away from your destination. This is where determination kicks in.

7. Discipline

Ever have that moment when you don’t feel like working? Well, this is where discipline comes to the rescue. Believe me, I have to work more on this area myself. Zig Ziglar says,

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

This is a tough one because the human race is mostly driven by what we feel at the moment not on what needs to get done. Discipline is definitely a tough nut to crack but I’m getting better at it.

I could keep going forever but I’m gonna stop here and let everything soak into your amazing mind. Study the seven D’s and tattoo them on your heart. Never stop learning, work hard, work smart and become a student of the word for the rest of your life.

“All hard work brings a profit,
but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

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One Way Worship Can Go Wrong Mon, 30 Dec 2013 07:00:50 +0000 One Way Worship Can Go Wrong Read More »

When I was a kid learning how to play music I would practice for hours and hours each day.

When the time came around for me to join the worship team at the tender age of 12. All I thought about was trying to impress others and show off my skills.

I also remember when I was around 15 years old I was playing with the gospel choir I had this sick bass line that pretty much carried the whole song. Believe me I when I say this, I was so funky that the holy ghost checking me out. After service no one came up to me and gave me props. Thinking something went wrong with my playing. What was it? It dawned on me that it’s not about me it’s about Jesus.

I also learned it wasn’t about impression it was about expression. Here is one way worship can go wrong.


Look for his grace and purpose for your life and everything will come into place. We all go through those tough times so we need to be strong in our faith. If it’s all about you and your skills and how you’re looking so fly. Then maybe you should start your own religion. Just saying. =)

I appreciate everyone taking to read this post with the hopes it will help you on your journey.

God Bless




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Embrace Change Not Just Hugs! Mon, 23 Dec 2013 07:00:30 +0000 Embrace Change Not Just Hugs! Read More »

The other day after church I came back home opened the door turned on the lights and nothing happened. Turns out there was a power outage throughout the whole neighbor affecting over 1600 residents.

I was like, NOOOOO!!!!!

I’m gonna miss my favorite show Breaking Bad:(.  The outage went on for 48 hrs. Which completely changed my daily routine that I was so accustomed to. I had to adapt quickly and make a CHANGE because if I hadn’t I would be miserable and not move forward with my life. Eventually the electricity went back on and went on with my life. Every worship team needs to move with the times or there gonna miss the train ride.



Well, maybe Paul was not a hugger in the beginning, maybe after his conversion. Embrace change not just hugs!

This is the key to growth. I don’t mean changing your spiritual beliefs, but a lot of times we take certain legalistic rules and make it a primary issue. This creates fear and control over people over issues that have nothing to do with  your salvation.

Anyways, I’m ranting over here. Please post a comment below and let me know what you think.

God bless everyone.


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3 Factors to Band Growth Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:00:31 +0000 3 Factors to Band Growth Read More »

Today let’s focus on what I call the “Growth Trinity”.  I hear tons of professionals say especially musicians, worship directors, etc always mention that “I gots tons of experience, I’ve played with tons of bands, blah blah blah.”  But for some reason there’s always in the same routine. Their “Growth” in their own team just doesn’t move forward or change. It seems I’ve noticed two types of folks in the short time God has had me on this planet. There are folks who:

1. Are conformists: meaning they are comfortable with what they have.

2. Are hesitant to change.

Here’s a comic parable for ya. Enjoy.

Here’s a quick review:

Spiritual Growth

Musical Growth 

Team Growth

Please with sugar on top, grow your team in all these areas. The point is to build the kingdom of God and follow the “Great Commission” in Matthew 28:19:

 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

 Ok, that’s it. Now I’d love to hear from you.  If you got any insight on growth, then go ahead and leave a comment.

Till next post.=)

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3 Main Keys to Worship Team Awesomeness Wed, 10 Jul 2013 07:11:10 +0000 3 Main Keys to Worship Team Awesomeness Read More »

We all have questions on why our worship team isn’t working or maybe you yourself as the leader don’t even realize it yourself.

Are you really making a difference in others? If not, look at your team. Are you making a difference in your own team first? Take care of your team first, then your team will help build the kingdom!

I love comics so here is a comic parable that I created that will teach the simplicity of the: “Connection Trinity “.

Connection Trinity 022

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor, If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Now let review!

1. Musical Connection

2. Spiritual Connection

3. Personal Connection


Remember to review these areas with your team and see if there is a balance in these areas.

These are the 3 Main Keys to Worship Team Awesomeness.

Well, My next post will be on the Growth trinity. Be sure to check that out also!

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Have you ever struggled with your team? What and how did you figure it out? Please share. I’d love to hear your story in the comments below. Remember, the more specific you can be the better.

Thanks brothers and sisters for reading,

God Bless to all!

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