Band Development – Toon's Tunes Cartoons Teaching to Play Tunes! Sun, 19 Feb 2017 05:52:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Band Development – Toon's Tunes 32 32 5 Levels of Leadership Most Music Directors Won't ever Reach. Mon, 09 Nov 2015 08:00:00 +0000 5 Levels of Leadership Most Music Directors Won't ever Reach. Read More »

 5 Levels of Leadership and why most music directors won't ever reach it

Who is this guy??


Playing bass in the Sunday church band years back a new keyboardist came up to me and started directing me how to play a certain part.

Who is this guy??

I’ve never seen this guy ever before in my life, he was a pretty good musician, but he just popped up one Sunday morning and started directing the group.

I guess I didn’t get the memo.

Turns out this new keyboardist was the new music director. I wish someone told me.

I played guitar at the time as a hired side musician, but the new music director wanted full commitment and time from all the musicians. I completely understand his dilemma but most of the musicians there were just hired musicians. The church didn’t have a much of a budget to pay all the musicians for extra rehearsal time during the week.

Music was our day job to pay the bills and they wanted us to work with no pay.

Back to the main premise. 

The music director was a hot shot musician from down south in San Diego, Ca. I heard he’s been a music director for two decades, We’ll… It sure didn’t show.

My approach would have been a lot different when it comes to leading a new group.

My first step before anything would be to build relationships with every member of the group. I wouldn’t just show up unannounced and start barking orders, as if everyone is gonna listen.

There a five levels to leadership and everyone starts at stage one. Plus lots of times many leaders just stay at stage one. Which make me wanna cry 🙁  Boo-hoo!

To increase your leadership you need to increase your influence.

Understanding these five levels of leadership and following through will increase your influence.

5 Levels of Leadership

  1. Positional – People follow because they have to, not because they want to. Everyone starts at this position, but you don’t wanna stay there.
  2. Permission – People follow you because they like you. It’s a wonderful stage to be on. It’s your ability to connect with people.
  3. Production – People follow you because of what you’ve done for the band and results that follow.
  4. People Development – People follow because of what you’ve done for them.  As a leader you choose certain people to train to become a leader in the group. You reproduce your skills by training others.
  5. Personhood – People follow because of who are and what you represent.

The first level is given to you by being hired from a producer, agent, church or record executive to lead a band, The next three levels you have to earn and the last level is automatically given to you.

When people follow you because they have to, there’s no commitment, but as you climb each level the stronger commitment you get from your band mates.

Remember, if you ignore a level and assume you don’t have to commit to it, than you’ll get dragged down a level.

As a leader you won’t be on the same level with every band member. You have to build a closer rapport with those that are not on the same level as you.

Your success is not based on your band, your success is based on you.

John Maxwell is a great leader that has written many books on leadership. I’ve received lots of education from many of his books including:

[AMAZONPRODUCTS asin=”0785288376, B000SEITAG, B006IED4AA “]

Check out this John Maxwell’s books it’s well worth it. I believe this new music director I encounter in the story I told,  should take a look John Maxwells material.

Back to the story:

After a month in that band I left because I couldn’t commit to their demands, but that’s okay. No hard feelings. I still kept in touch with the band members. After 6 months the music director left and went back down to San Diego because of undisclosed reasons.

Gee, I wonder what they were. Lol:)

Super quote:

“People never care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
John Maxwell.

“Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.”
John maxwell

I guess that’s it for now thinking musicians, I’ll see ya next time and don’t be shy and leave a comment below and share this post with others.


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5 Levels of Leadership Most Music Directors Won’t ever Reach. Mon, 09 Nov 2015 08:00:00 +0000 5 Levels of Leadership Most Music Directors Won’t ever Reach. Read More »

 5 Levels of Leadership and why most music directors won't ever reach it

Who is this guy??


Playing bass in the Sunday church band years back a new keyboardist came up to me and started directing me how to play a certain part.

Who is this guy??

I’ve never seen this guy ever before in my life, he was a pretty good musician, but he just popped up one Sunday morning and started directing the group.

I guess I didn’t get the memo.

Turns out this new keyboardist was the new music director. I wish someone told me.

I played guitar at the time as a hired side musician, but the new music director wanted full commitment and time from all the musicians. I completely understand his dilemma but most of the musicians there were just hired musicians. The church didn’t have a much of a budget to pay all the musicians for extra rehearsal time during the week.

Music was our day job to pay the bills and they wanted us to work with no pay.

Back to the main premise. 

The music director was a hot shot musician from down south in San Diego, Ca. I heard he’s been a music director for two decades, We’ll… It sure didn’t show.

My approach would have been a lot different when it comes to leading a new group.

My first step before anything would be to build relationships with every member of the group. I wouldn’t just show up unannounced and start barking orders, as if everyone is gonna listen.

There a five levels to leadership and everyone starts at stage one. Plus lots of times many leaders just stay at stage one. Which make me wanna cry 🙁  Boo-hoo!

To increase your leadership you need to increase your influence.

Understanding these five levels of leadership and following through will increase your influence.

5 Levels of Leadership

  1. Positional – People follow because they have to, not because they want to. Everyone starts at this position, but you don’t wanna stay there.
  2. Permission – People follow you because they like you. It’s a wonderful stage to be on. It’s your ability to connect with people.
  3. Production – People follow you because of what you’ve done for the band and results that follow.
  4. People Development – People follow because of what you’ve done for them.  As a leader you choose certain people to train to become a leader in the group. You reproduce your skills by training others.
  5. Personhood – People follow because of who are and what you represent.

The first level is given to you by being hired from a producer, agent, church or record executive to lead a band, The next three levels you have to earn and the last level is automatically given to you.

When people follow you because they have to, there’s no commitment, but as you climb each level the stronger commitment you get from your band mates.

Remember, if you ignore a level and assume you don’t have to commit to it, than you’ll get dragged down a level.

As a leader you won’t be on the same level with every band member. You have to build a closer rapport with those that are not on the same level as you.

Your success is not based on your band, your success is based on you.

John Maxwell is a great leader that has written many books on leadership. I’ve received lots of education from many of his books including:

[AMAZONPRODUCTS asin=”0785288376, B000SEITAG, B006IED4AA “]

Check out this John Maxwell’s books it’s well worth it. I believe this new music director I encounter in the story I told,  should take a look John Maxwells material.

Back to the story:

After a month in that band I left because I couldn’t commit to their demands, but that’s okay. No hard feelings. I still kept in touch with the band members. After 6 months the music director left and went back down to San Diego because of undisclosed reasons.

Gee, I wonder what they were. Lol:)

Super quote:

“People never care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
John Maxwell.

“Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.”
John maxwell

I guess that’s it for now thinking musicians, I’ll see ya next time and don’t be shy and leave a comment below and share this post with others.


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7 Reasons Why your Band is Gonna Fail. Mon, 28 Sep 2015 08:00:00 +0000 7 Reasons Why your Band is Gonna Fail. Read More »

7 Reason why your band is gonna fail

Can’t seem to find the right musicians for your band?

I know just how you feel. Jim Collins states.

“If we get the right people on the bus, the right people in the right seats, and the wrong people off the bus, then we’ll figure out how to take it someplace great.”

A month or two from writing this post an artist I performed with years ago called me out of the blue and asked me to help out audition a drummer and a guitarist for her group she was putting together. It was perfect timing because at the time and day of the audition I was free.

I was not interested in auditioning for her group, I was just glad to help. The audition went perfectly and everybody was excited. The artists wanted us to set another rehearsal date a week later to tightening up the music and start gigging.

But wait a minute! Didn’t she just want me to help with the audition?

There was an assumption that I was in the band already. I mention to her that I was extremely busy with other artists. But she insisted joyfully that we reunite again and move forward. The artist didn’t even bother to ask me what I wanted. Too many assumptions, and you know what happens you assume.

I was busy the whole month with gigs and the artist kept texting me the next couple of weeks to get together. But she still didn’t mention about the budget, she did say she would help me with gas money. Seriously?

I’m a working musician trying to make living, I can’t live on gas money. Did I also mention after the audition while everyone was socializing one of the guys popped out some weed and everybody started tweaking, except for me and the artist.

Nothing against weed except for the high influential content. I mean weed usually smells better than cigarettes, but this weed was hardcore nasty smelling. That was enough for me to move onto more professional avenues.

Well what’s the lesson? Here are “7 reasons Why your Band is Gonna Fail.”

  1. No Clarity: Every member needs to know every detail of the situation and what role they are playing.
  2. Assumed Expectations: People by nature want to be lead, so don’t assume because your team are a bunch of experienced professionals they know every detail and situation. Refer to Reason #1
  3. No Budget: It depends on the group you’re performing with. They could be rookies, independent or professional. If you’re a rookie with a rookie band then you need experience first. If you’re a working professional then a budget needs to expressed at first contact. If no budget is expressed than you as the artist of hired musician needs to express it.
  4. No Business Discussions: I know artists are not business folk, but a basic goal, plan and structure needs to be set in place and everyone needs to be in on it.
  5. Substance Abuse: People think rock and roll equals drugs, alcohol and sex. What a load! These substances have led destruction to most well known bands in the planet. Stay away!
  6. No Direction: Every band needs directions and goals, if you have no clear direction then how does everyone know where they are going. It doesn’t need to be complicated, but must be done.
  7. Different Agendas: Face it, life gets in the way. If nothing is clarified on what the direction of the band is, then everyone will just fade away and create their own agendas. When looking for the right musician for your group, it’s important to clarify the bands agenda in the beginning.

Out of all these reasons “Clarity” is número uno on the list. Clarity is key to a successful group.

Last year I received an email to rehearse with a jazz artist for an upcoming gig I replied and attended the rehearsal, met with the artist and rehearsed some charts with her. It was odd because the rest of the band wasn’t there.

After rehearsal I asked when the gig was, and the artist mentioned they were going to audition other bass players. I looked puzzled.

It seems I was auditioning and I didn’t even know it. I asked if I was auditioning she said, “Yes”. The entire email never mentioned it was going to be an audition, it just said that they needed a bass player for their upcoming gig. When an artist contacts me for an audition, it’s usually very clear that it’s an audition.

If you’re in a situation where nothing is clarified, it’s best that you speak up. I know sometimes you wanna speak up, but you’re shy or you don’t wanna make a situation worse than what it is. It happens sometimes, even to me, which leads me to the main point of “Clarity.” Never leave home without it. Many times clarity can hurt people feelings, regardless clarity needs to be expressed.

Remember that.

Have you had any situations where nothing was clear?

Please mention it in the comments section below.

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Are you a pigheaded church musician? Mon, 14 Apr 2014 07:00:50 +0000 Are you a pigheaded church musician? Read More »

Screen Shot 2014-04-13 at 12.47.31 PM

Summer of 2008

At a small church in Lynwood, Ca, I was music director for quite some time. That summer they were reconstructing the church alter. I helped redesign the stage and it came out pretty good, I was happy with it at least.

One night at rehearsal I presented a new tune from hillsongs. My poor memory can’t quite remember the title of the song but it was a good one believe me.

The following friday night service, after the preaching, we had an alter call for prayer and naturally the worship team came up to lead worship. This was a perfect opportunity to present the new tune we were working on.

The song started with a drum fill, I counted the song off.

Then I heard nothin, I thought the drummer screwed up so I counted off again.

Again nothing….

I turned around and the drummer waved his sticks indicating that he didn’t want to play the song.

I look baffled…. Okay…..

I signaled him to start up again but he refused. Everyone in the church was already praying and worshipping and the team was wondering what was going on. It’s not like he couldn’t play it. I mean this drummer was the best in our church district.

After various attempts, forcibly I had to begin another song.

Then I lost a few hairs.
When the church service ended I pulled the drummer to the back and had a little chat with him trying to point out what was the issue.

Turns out he didn’t like the song and thought the music style wasn’t appropriate for worship.

Huh??  Are u kidding me??

I thought I was the music director. Now, I was a totally easy going guy, but right when you are in the middle of worship and the drummer is causing disruption in the flow of the Holy Spirit just because he didn’t like the music style is totally unacceptable.

My thoughts

People hate and fear change, and are conformists that is why there a very few success stories in this world out of 7 billion people on this planet.


Back to the story

The drummer didn’t want to open his mind for anything thing new. It didn’t last very long for him. The issue was deeper than just the music style.

“I don’t know everything but If there’s one thing I do know, you can’t please everyone to be successful.”

Bill Cosby

Believe me I’ve had those times when I wasn’t music directing at my current church Oasis. I would rehearse the songs a certain way at home but when I got rehearsal at church the current music director would ask me to play my part differently.

Then the pigheadedness would kick in.

“But the mp3 was playing it this way!” I would say.

Then I have to remind myself that I’m not leading. I have to learn to be a good servant musician and obey my leader. You can make a decision later if the other guy is not qualified and then you choose to stay or not.

Regardless if your serving then you have to follow the lead of your leaders.

You can give suggestions, but don’t pout or kick and scream if your leaders don’t go along with your ideas.

I have worked with dictator leadership and servant leadership. I prefer servant leadership hands down. Working with a “my way or the highway” type leader won’t be influential to the growth of your ministry.

So, are you a pigheaded musician or a servant musician?

Be honest and let me know in the comments below. Believe me I can still be pigheaded at times but I’m working and praying about it always.

If you like this post don’t forget to share it in your favorite social media.

Just click on one of the share buttons below.


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Does your Worship Team Meet Greater Expectations? Wed, 28 Aug 2013 07:00:12 +0000 Does your Worship Team Meet Greater Expectations? Read More »

Every worship team needs to meet the vision and greater expectations of the ministry or church. Your leader is supposed to make sure that the vision and expectations are cast and met consistently, so that the members of your team will understand what they are supposed to accomplish.

Here is a silly example on how our misfit worship team does it. Enjoy!


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Handling Musical Flakes Fri, 23 Aug 2013 07:00:29 +0000 Hey amigo, was there ever a time when you had a band member call or text you at the last second and can’t make it to rehearsal. I call them “Musical Flakes”.

What do you do?

Well, here is one way….

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11 Mistakes that Bands Make Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:00:52 +0000 11 Mistakes that Bands Make Read More »

In the past 20 years participating in thousands of rehearsals you start observing what works and what doesn’t work.

Here are 11 Mistakes that Bands Make. Enjoy=D


There’s an awesome verse:

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’

Luke 14:28-30

Simply said your practice time must be organized and prepared first. So there won’t be any confusion during rehearsals.

That’s it peeps, if you have any band blunders that go on in your practice time feel free to post and comment down below. I would love to hear from you and your mishaps. That way we can help each other make rehearsal time more productive.





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3 Factors to Band Growth Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:00:31 +0000 3 Factors to Band Growth Read More »

Today let’s focus on what I call the “Growth Trinity”.  I hear tons of professionals say especially musicians, worship directors, etc always mention that “I gots tons of experience, I’ve played with tons of bands, blah blah blah.”  But for some reason there’s always in the same routine. Their “Growth” in their own team just doesn’t move forward or change. It seems I’ve noticed two types of folks in the short time God has had me on this planet. There are folks who:

1. Are conformists: meaning they are comfortable with what they have.

2. Are hesitant to change.

Here’s a comic parable for ya. Enjoy.

Here’s a quick review:

Spiritual Growth

Musical Growth 

Team Growth

Please with sugar on top, grow your team in all these areas. The point is to build the kingdom of God and follow the “Great Commission” in Matthew 28:19:

 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

 Ok, that’s it. Now I’d love to hear from you.  If you got any insight on growth, then go ahead and leave a comment.

Till next post.=)

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3 Main Keys to Worship Team Awesomeness Wed, 10 Jul 2013 07:11:10 +0000 3 Main Keys to Worship Team Awesomeness Read More »

We all have questions on why our worship team isn’t working or maybe you yourself as the leader don’t even realize it yourself.

Are you really making a difference in others? If not, look at your team. Are you making a difference in your own team first? Take care of your team first, then your team will help build the kingdom!

I love comics so here is a comic parable that I created that will teach the simplicity of the: “Connection Trinity “.

Connection Trinity 022

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor, If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Now let review!

1. Musical Connection

2. Spiritual Connection

3. Personal Connection


Remember to review these areas with your team and see if there is a balance in these areas.

These are the 3 Main Keys to Worship Team Awesomeness.

Well, My next post will be on the Growth trinity. Be sure to check that out also!

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Have you ever struggled with your team? What and how did you figure it out? Please share. I’d love to hear your story in the comments below. Remember, the more specific you can be the better.

Thanks brothers and sisters for reading,

God Bless to all!

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