Rita reminds Mama what her Papa taught her about government spending and then storms out to practice her guitar.
I’m gonna get a bit political here.
The government’s job is not be our overbearing parent, but our protector from foreign and domestic violence. To keep the peace.
That’s it. Read the friggin’ U.S. Constitution you lazy bums. Here’s the link >>> U.S. Constitution
But American’s today have gotten too whiney and gurly. I’ll admit I was like that, I’ve used food stamps before.
And I’ll use them again if I have to, because food stamps are taxes (my money) the government has taken from my paycheck for over 20 years. Just don’t use them as a crutch.
The U.S. government is a poorly run organization and does not sell products or services to gain a profit, they’re into the “jacking money from your paycheck business” and printing it out of thin air scam, which causes huge inflation.
Mangoes are too darn expensive now!
– Roland of Aragon (The Mango King)
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