Comments on: 102 Famous Musicians That Were College Dropouts Cartoons Teaching to Play Tunes! Sat, 09 Jun 2018 17:40:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roland De Aragon Wed, 25 Jan 2017 18:05:49 +0000 In reply to Karthik.

Hi there, I completely understand your dilemma. Grant Cardone a well known successful millionaire investor, has a book called “Be Obsessed or Be Average”. If you think about it all successful musicians from Michael Jackson to Lady Gaga or even Beatles were “Obsessed”. If that’s you then you need to pick up that book. I’m not plugging the book but it’s a great read.

It’s tough when your parents are providing for you because if they are, then they can dictate your life and many young adults rebel against it. Just like myself I grew up in that same mindset because public schools teach us how to be employees not employers. This site teaches three skills all musicians need and that’s: Musicianship, relationships and entrepreneurship.

There are many music jobs out there in the world, here’s a link to many different music jobs in different music categories. Check it out and let me know what you think. Click here.

By: Karthik Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:22:15 +0000 I am 18 years old and im a good guitarist and singer. My dream is to be a singer , i love singing. But my parents forced me to join engineering and everyday i feel like drowning in a sea and loosing my hope on music – i fail in subjects and have 70% backlogs in just 1st sem. All i have in my mind to quit engineering and learn more in music but to convince my parents is always a big deal like they never gonna understand they say that no jobs are available in music and if i persue music as my full time and fail as a musician I don’t have a backup to survive. But im confident that i would succeed or if I don’t atleast it gives me a satisfaction of attempting a try in a passion what i love

By: Roland De Aragon Mon, 09 Jan 2017 02:02:59 +0000 In reply to Mike.

Hey Mike, thanks for commenting. You know I had the same issue, but there are tons of music industry type jobs that you can apply for. Here’s list of 44 music career choices that you might find interesting.

It’s always important to do something that you love and remember there are always pros and cons in every field. The question is, how respond to it and how badly do you want it?


By: Mike Sat, 07 Jan 2017 18:33:32 +0000 I’m aspiring to be a musician/rapper. I just recently left college, because it was never something I wanted to do. The only thing is, aside from being a musician, I don’t know what to do for a living that I’d be able to support myself with(make a decent amount of money ti live off of). Any suggestions?

By: Shesha Wed, 14 Dec 2016 05:07:33 +0000 Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, even Einstein never attended college! DO NOT let grades and level of education define you. Everyone has natural ability go find it!

By: Roland De Aragon Tue, 08 Nov 2016 18:12:51 +0000 In reply to Shara.

Hi, Shara. That’s a hard predicament, you don’t want to displease your parents. The thing, is your digging yourself in a hole, and it keeps getting bigger. At your age you need to make a hard decision. Pursue college and make your parents happy and yourself miserable or pursue music and become happy and your parents miserable. Either way someone is going to become miserable. At the end day when you lay your head to sleep are you happy? If not, do something about it, make a plan and put it into action.

Will you make mistakes? Of course, everybody fails, but the most successful musicians ever, failed more than you think, but they wanted it more than anything.

Click on this link Here you’ll see that 90.7% of musicians are struggling. That’s 90.7%! Why is that? The answer is, musicians lack certain skills, which creates a cliche that says “If wanna be a successful working musician, then find a real job.”

The skills that musicians and artists lack are relationship and entrepreneurship skills… If all music schools skills taught these skills, that 90.7% could come down to 50% or less and then becoming a musician a would be just another job. Not a dream, but a reachable reality. Learn these skills and watch your chances grow. This site teaches basics, just go through and start learning. Hope that helps.

By: Shara Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:08:53 +0000 i am 22 year old. i am in the last year of my engineering.. and i have a huge pile of backlogs to clear. i always knew that i want to be a musician but i ddnt have the guts to leave behind everything and pursue music. i dont go college but rather stay at home singing and playing my keys. i dont want to kill the musician inside me. and i dont want to screw my parents money and happiness. i dont even know how to proceed in life. i am so screwed and disheartened. i always wanted to study arts. but just because i had a good score in high school.. they admitted me to science and when i got into engineering, it got worse. i dont like to discuss technical stuff. i feel its so heartless.. and the subjects dont interest me at all. i hate learning about functioning of motors… please help. i need motivation in life.

By: Roland De Aragon Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:51:56 +0000 In reply to josh.

I believe history is extremely important, because if we don’t know the past we are doomed to repeat it. Buzz Aldrin was one the first men in space, I think that’s a basic fact the every american should know. But as far as the excessive unnecessary education american public education force us is totally useless for success. Convincing parents is hard, because we grew up in a system where we’re taught to go to school, get good grades, go to college, graduate, work for someone for 40 years, retire, then die. We’ve been lied to. Education is very important, but the question is which type of education? Clearly not American education, the World PISA exams ranked US education in the 30’s.

China is number one in education. USA sucks! What musicians lack is business skills that is why parents think it’s hard to make it in the music biz. Musicians don’t want to learn music business and I understand, but it’s important for your success, especially in todays world. Show your parents this site, and check out how USA ranks in education. Maybe that’ll help. =)

By: josh Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:38:26 +0000 In reply to Ishwor Pathak.

same bro but it dont matter man,if jimi hendrix can make it then we can to,like eminem said,you can do anything you set your mind to man

By: josh Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:32:17 +0000 im a metalcore guitarist and i was wondering if you had any ideas as to what i can do to convince my parents that i dont need eccesive math or history, like seriuosly who even gives a fuck about buzz aldrin
